Types of Professional Singapore Aircon Services You Can Use
An air conditioner is an expensive piece of equipment. It requires regular maintenance services to keep it running properly and efficiently. Every year an air conditioner loses about five percent of its original efficiency. Regular maintenance services help avoid expensive repair costs. An aircon services company can help clean various parts of the air-conditioning unit. These parts include:
- Condenser Coils
- Evaporator coils
- Blower blades and wheels
- Condensate drains
- Refrigerant systems
- Electrical components
All such parts are cleaned thoroughly by expert air conditioner technicians. The cleaning helps improve the functioning of the AC unit. It starts giving only fresh and clean air. There is less consumption of energy because all parts function smoothly without any resistance from dust and debris. This type of regular aircon maintenance helps prolong the life of an AC. The problems of dripping water and condensation are solved. You will notice faster and even cooling effect in the room.
If you want to enjoy these benefits, it is necessary to know the type of problems you can encounter with your air conditioner. Knowing these problems will help you avoid expensive repair costs when small problems are fixed in time.
This is the best way to realize you have a problem with your air conditioner. An AC is designed to work smoothly without generating any noise. If you can hear odd noise coming out of the AC, it shows there is some problem with the unit. Generally it is the fan belt that is in need of replacement but it can be other problems as well. An air conditioner houses motor, blower and fan blade. Sometimes screws come out loose and this leads to noise in the AC unit. When the fan blades collect dust or start touching the AC cover, you will hear noises. The noise could also be due to problem in the duct or condenser unit.
Completely Not Working
If your air conditioner has stopped working completely or you are unable to even switch it on, look for external power problems. Check the switch to ensure it is in the ON position and the electrical cord is connected properly to the socket in the electric board. The AC system may have its own circuit breaker. It may have tripped for some reason or been switched off by someone.
Check any other circuit breaker on the line that may have tripped and disconnected the supply of electricity power to the unit. It is important to remember that you should perform only visual inspections and solve only those problems that do not require any opening of electrical boards or the air conditioner unit. If you are unable to solve this problem on your own, then the air conditioner may have developed some technical fault. It will require opening its outer cover to repair it. Such a repair should be done only by a trained technician. Other aircon electrical problems could include:
- The air conditioner is turning on and off frequently
- Corrosion of terminals and wire
- Problem with any electrical contact or connection
The actual cooling takes place inside the evaporator or cooling coil. If the coil is blocked by the dust, debris, ice or frost, it restricts the air flow and affects the output of the air conditioning unit. Your AC cannot circulate the air properly if the coils are clogged. Buildup of dirt and debris on the coil reduces its efficiency as well. There may be problem of ice formation on the condenser or compressor. Never try to repair any internal damage on your own. It can be dangerous. Let a professional Singapore aircon technician clean your air conditioner parts properly and thoroughly. Serious problem with the evaporator coil many mean it needs replacement. An experienced technician can notice the trouble signs immediately and advise you appropriately if repair or replacement of the evaporator coil is needed.
If your air conditioner is leaking, it will result in low refrigerant level which in turn affects the machine’s cooling efficiency. The refrigerant amount should not be too low or too high. Both issues are problematic. Call an expert aircon technician to know if there is such a problem in your air conditioner. It is possible that the AC was undercharged during the installation process. A leakage can also lead to low refrigerant level. Any such leak should be fixed as soon as possible to make the air conditioner run smoothly.
Any leakage in the duct will lead to escape of cool air. This problem severely affects the efficiency of an AC. You will be wasting energy in cooling that you are not using. This problem is especially noticeable in central air conditioning systems. The air ducts must be airtight at all times. Let a trained AC technician check the duct and perform the repair if required. The duct system works inefficiently when there is some obstruction in the proper flow of air. Make sure you have not placed any furniture or drape in the path of supply or return of air flow. The ducts should be properly insulated and airtight.
Latest air conditioners use lots of electronic systems that rely on sensors. A malfunctioning sensor can affect the working of your AC. The device will simply do not know when to turn on or off. It will have difficulty determining how much cooling is needed. Read the air conditioner manufacturer’s manual to check where the sensor should be placed in a room.
You will notice pooling of water when the condensation pump breaks down. The air conditioner will start using more energy to cool the room. It will be less effective and efficient. Call an Aircon company to check any problem with the drainage. The air conditioner should be located at the right place to reduce the chance of any clogged drainage.
These are some common air conditioner problems that affect the cooling efficiency of an AC. Whenever you notice any such problem, call a Singapore Aircon service providing company immediately. Let a professional AC technician clean and maintain your air conditioner. You can take advantage of an annual AC maintenance contract to keep your AC in excellent condition at all times. Always use right size air conditioner to avoid problems like waste of energy or inefficient cooling. Consult an air conditioner technician before buying your AC. The technician will perform an AC audit and let you know what type of air conditioner is most appropriate for your air conditioning needs.