What Is Dry Mode In Aircon?
What is the dry mode in the aircon? The weather can get highly humid during the monsoon in Singapore. This area gets more rain because of the tropical environment. Every house needs air conditioning to avoid the humid weather. Most of us do not use all the functions of an aircon. All those functions are easy to operate.
Busy life in Singapore does not allow us to study the manual and learn about all the aircon functions. Aircon dry mode is one of the most beneficial functions for the people in Singapore because of the humid conditions in the monsoon. We will give you a quick overview of this mode to help you reduce the cost of electricity and improve healthy living conditions in your home.
How to identify the dry mode
Before giving any details about the aircon dry mode, we will let you know how to start this aircon mode. You will find a button with an ice flake sign for the cooling function of the aircon. The dry mode button is usually right next to the cool mode button. All the international companies label water drop images to show the dry mode.
Instead of pressing the cool button, you can press the dry mode button to start it.
Some air conditioners also have a button named mode. You can press this button till the water drop image appears on the aircon or the remote screen. You will know that the dry mode is active now when you see the drop sign on the aircon remote.
Why aircon dry mode is crucial
If you live in an area with low humidity throughout the year, there is less need for the dry mode. It is essential to have this mode in your aircon to avoid convenience during the rainy weather of Singapore. As this mode helps remove humidity from the air, you will feel more pleasant during the humid monsoon.
If this mode is not present, you may need to use the cooling function of the air conditioner even when the temperature is average but the humidity is high.
You can save money because the dry mode uses less energy than the cool mode of the aircon. Many Singaporean residents reported that they saw a reduction in electricity bills after they started the dry mode instead of the cooling function in rainy and humid weather. The air conditioner will not remove all the humidity from the air. It will remove enough to make the environment of your room pleasant.
How it works
If you want to learn about the dry mode, you should learn the functions of a dehumidifier. When you use the dry mode, the air conditioner will stop the air cooling function of the compressor. Instead of cooling air, the air conditioner will start rapid air intake. It will pass the air from a dehumidifier inside the air conditioner to remove the moisture.
It will keep repeating this cycle and gradually reduce the air humidity. You will feel more comfortable after you start the dry mode of the aircon.
Once the water vapors are removed from the air, these vapors well transformed into the water. The water is removed using the drainage pipe of the air conditioner. If you feel there is high humidity in the air, you can press the button with the water drop sign to initiate the dehumidifier function of the aircon.
Conditions suitable for dry mode
All the conditions that require the removal of humidity from the air are suitable for the dry mode. High humidity levels can reach up to 90% in Singapore during the monsoon. It is better to start the dry mode at first to remove the moisture from the air. Once the humidity reaches lower levels, you can start the cool mode as it will improve the efficiency of the air conditioning.
In the case of rain, the humidity can also go to higher levels. Singapore gets rain more often than the other parts nearby. It is due to environmental protection near Singapore. You may need to use the dry mode instead of the cool mode in the rainy season because the weather is already cold and using the cooling mode can make you sick.
In the case of public gatherings or crowds, the humidity can reach high levels in the environment. Every human body releases some humidity in the air. When a crowd is present in a closed location, the humidity levels can reach up to 90%.
It is unbearable for many because it can cause suffocation also. When you are gathering during the monsoon season, it is better to use the dry mode instead of the cool mode because the temperature is already low in the environment.
Benefits of dry mode
There are many benefits of the dry mode. If you want to make your environment better for living, you should use the dry mode often. The first benefit is the reduction of the electricity bills. As you are using the dry mode, the air conditioner is not using the compressor. It will make your environment better and reduce the electricity cost by more than 60%.
A cold and humid environment promotes the growth of fungi. Molds can also cause health hazards for humans if the humidity levels are high. You can prevent the health hazardous situation by using the dry mode of the air conditioner. It will also protect your furniture from decay.
Using the dry mode whenever possible is also better for the environment. When using the cooling function in the air conditioner, it throws heat into the surroundings. It can lead to global warming and other issues. When you use the dry aircon mode, It will protect the environment also.
What Is Dry Mode In Aircon? – Conclusion
By looking at all the aspects of the aircon dry mode, we can conclude that it is a crucial mode for the people living in Singapore. It is because of the high humidity in the monsoon weather. There are many other modes in the aircon. Cool and dry are the crucial ones. Most air conditioners have these modes.