Guide on Tenant, Landlord Rights on Aircon
Guide on Tenant, Landlord Rights on Aircon – When it comes to signing the tenancy contract, the repairs part may get really controversial. In Singapore, there is no strict regulation saying clearly who and how much needs to pay for aircon repairs and maintenance.
This is why the tenant and landlord decide on the negotiation table who takes the responsibility for this. Here is a guide on tenant and landlord rights that will help you be more informed while negotiating aircon maintenance.
Understanding Singapore tenancy contract
Tenancy agreements in Singapore are a little bit unusual. There isn’t a state-regulated standardized form that applies to all contracts. Rather each contract is individual, being a result of negotiation between tenant and landlord.
This is why the contract signing process may take longer and end up in heated arguments. Things are getting even hotter when it comes to repairs. Without a legal guideline, each part will try to make things favorable for them.
Also, the more informed part may take advantage and make the second part sign the contract on unfavorable terms. To avoid it happen to you, we are here to help. We present to you the most popular and morally right way used to solve repair issue in Singapore tenancy agreements.
Who pays for aircon repairs?
Though lacking government regulation, there are commonly accepted terms on repairs that are present in almost all tenancy contracts. Tenant is the one responsible for fixing any damage.
As long as the condo is well-maintained, this condition is ok for you, if you are a tenant. Most probably, there will be little necessity for repairs. However, if the house is old and has outdated appliances, this term becomes not favorable for the tenant.
The tenant must intervene and say that he/she does not agree with the term. And negotiate better conditions.
Generally, the renter should make the repairs, but he/she pays only the first $150-200 from repair bill. The landlord has to pay for the rest. Keep this number in mind and don’t let the landlord put a higher number in the agreement.
Some hosts add in secret a term that makes the tenant pay thousands for repairs. This is why the renter must always scan the contract in detail before signing it.
As for aircon, its repairs fall under the same unspoken rule of $150-200. The tenant has to pay for the repair of any breakdown. But, as long as repair works cost more than $200, the tenant and landlord share the bill.
If you are a renter, try to inspect the aircon before signing the agreement. If you notice wear and tear signs or if it makes suspicious noises, you should voice your concern out. It’s always your right to negotiate the amount of money you have to pay for fixing a potential breakdown.
Justify it with a poor aircon condition and make the landlord agree on making you pay less for future repairs.
Who pays for aircon maintenance?
If speaking of regular maintenance, the tenant is the one who has to do it. As long as the tenant uses the aircon, he/she must take care of it. After all, if the renter doesn’t clean the aircon regularly, her/his health will have to suffer.
So there is absolutely no doubt who is in charge of cleaning and organizing routine maintenance.
Who chooses the repair/cleaning company?
Again, with no legal guidelines established, any part of the agreement can choose the aircon repair company. If you are a tenant, it would be great if you can choose it. But, if the landlord does it for you, you are better off informing yourself about the company.
You don’t want the landlord to collaborate with a suspicious entity in secret. Raise the costs and make you pay significantly more for aircon servicing. This is why it’s always better for you to come to know closer the company.
If you can’t find it, it’s a problem and you need to refuse the deal, even if the rent is low.
Guide on Tenant, Landlord Rights on Aircon – Conclusion
To conclude, in Singapore the tenant has to carry out regular aircon cleaning and technical check-ups. The tenant is also responsible for damages and their repairs. Even if the renter hasn’t caused the damage, he/she will still have to pay up to $200. If repair works cost more than $200, the landlord will have to pay a part of the bill.